The term, ‘food processing’ refers to any operation (mechanical, physical or chemical) carried out on food in order to change its properties. It can be a single operation or a …
We want you to get the most out of this course. For discussions or questions about the course content, try using the comments section where you can help each other …
We’ve collected together some of the questions Learners asked about this Week’s content when the course was last run and provided some answers here. You may have different questions. If …
We’ve collected together some of the questions Learners asked about this Week’s content when the course was last run and provided some answers here. You may have different questions. If …
The Benefits of Food Processing Processed foods contain a lot of additives or ‘chemicals’ – is this bad or good? Firstly, the ‘chemicals’ term can mislead us – everything about …
Levels of processing (answer to question 8) The participants were shown a selection of apple products and asked how processed they thought they were. They rated them from 1 to …
The answers provided by the survey participants were analysed and categorised in themes. So, for example, in question 1, ‘cooking’ and ‘chopping’ were the most common answers and were categorized …
There is an inconsistency between the negative perceptions consumers have of processed foods and the fact that the same consumers purchase and consume an enormous quantity of it. A qualitative …
In the previous Step we looked at how the EU considers health claims made on food products. Another area where regulation is used to protect the consumer is in the …
You may have noticed products on the supermarket shelves that claim they are good for your health. This might be in relation to heart health or growth and development. Some …
Legislation and regulation of foods is key to ensuring that you can have confidence in the safety of the food you eat. Because of this, the European Union (as well …
The success of new technologies for food processing is highly dependent on consumer response to the new products. Emerging technologies must be accompanied by transparent information from the food industry …
Food packaging has many functions and in its most basic form it is used to prevent food from coming into contact with contaminants, whilst also making items easier to handle …
The use of ionising radiation dates back to 1895, when Röntgen discovered X-rays. He described them as ‘fast moving electrons’. By 1896 the technology was already being considered for the …
As we said in Step 3.2, continuous innovation in the food industry is vital. It can be driven by the emergence of new technologies such as HPP but can also …