Open University program

Technology and Learning: Opening Up Education

Develop your ability to act as an effective professional within the broad field of technology-enhanced teaching and training.

This program is part of the PgC Online and Distance Education degree offered by The Open University

Develop your ability as an effective technology-enhanced learning practitioner

This program is the third of a set of four that make up the Open University module H880 Technology-enhanced Learning: Foundations and Futures.

It shifts the focus to openness, explores in more detail the roles and responsibilities of TEL educators, and how they can research and develop their practice and support each other.

Once you've completed all four successfully, you'll be eligible for a Postgraduate Certificate in Online and Distance Education. You may also choose to use them as part of a Postgraduate Diploma or Masters degree.

Together, the four programs offer experience of a range of learning technologies, enabling you to explore the processes of designing, implementing and critiquing e-learning and the ideas that underpin these processes.


1 course

This program contains a portfolio, where you'll be able to gather your work and get feedback from course educators.

Written and delivered by experts in the field

The Technology and Learning: Foundations of TEL program has been developed by the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University.

  • The Open University

Who will you learn with?

Dr Leigh-Anne Perryman (she/her)

Dr Leigh-Anne Perryman leads The Open University's Masters in Online Teaching programme. Her research explores the relationship between equity, social justice, online teaching and open pedagogies.

Learning outcomes

Everyone who has successfully completed the four programs that make up H880 Technology-enhanced Learning: Foundations and Futures can:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of choices that practitioners make about ways of applying technologies for a variety of learners across the globe in education, training or professional development.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of choices that learners make about their own learning, in terms of which technologies they use, why and how.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current debates and some of the key theories that practitioners draw on in the field of technology-enhanced learning.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of conventional and innovative technologies, drawing on your own experience and the experience of other students and professionals in technology-enhanced learning.
  • Use and evaluate particular technologies and tools for individual and collaborative learning.
  • Critically evaluate differing explanations and arguments in the field of TEL.
  • Use these differing perspectives to make sense of your own and others’ experience of learning with technologies.
  • Draw on a wide range of experience, accounts and formal research evidence to recommend appropriate ways of using technologies in specific contexts.
  • Locate, read critically and extract value from a wide range of formal and informal sources, including those mediated by new forms of technology.
  • Interpret and discuss the implications – for research, policy and practice – of quantitative and qualitative findings.
  • Articulate your ideas, proposals and arguments for differing audiences and contexts.
  • Take responsibility for your current and future learning and practice within a supportive framework of your peers and tutor.
  • Act as a creative and effective professional within the broad field of TEL.
  • Draw on a range of evidence to support the choices you make in designing learning activities or creating a specification for a module or training-package.
  • Participate in online networks and communities to enrich your personal and professional development.
  • Seek out ideas and insights from the leading edge of practice and research relevant to your interests or professional concerns in technology-enhanced learning.

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