Coventry University program

Masters Dissertation

Undertake an in-depth study in an area of interest relevant to your nursing practice.

This program is part of the MSc Nursing degree offered by Coventry University

Demonstrate your research skills at an advanced level

The dissertation module is designed to provide you with an opportunity to undertake an in-depth individual study in an area of interest that could be relevant to your nursing practice and could enable you to demonstrate research at an advanced level. The study will be independently undertaken, but in the process, students could take advantage of the supervision we aim to provide.

Within the study, you will be expected to demonstrate understanding of the research process, including ethical, theoretical and methodological issues associated with your particular subject and to demonstrate critical evaluation. It will build on the foundation provided by previous modules on the course.

Throughout this Masters Dissertation, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify a research question and objectives and choose an appropriate research method

  • Design a study which is congruent with the research question and methodology and demonstrates competence at each stage of the research process

  • Produce a report of your study which shows critical analysis and evaluation and includes interpretation of findings, conclusions and recommendations/implications for practice


5 courses

Delivered by expert academics

Coventry secured a gold rating in the UK government’s 2017 Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and is the University of the Year for Student Experience’ in Times and Sunday Times league table.

Please note that the staff described in the 'Who will you learn with?' section below may be subject to change.

  • Coventry University

Who will you learn with?

Hilary Mc Laughlin-Stonham

Dr Hilary Mc Laughlin-Stonham
Associate Lecture for Masters Level Courses. Hilary has taught at Universities both in the UK and abroad and is currently research active. PhD, Ma, Ma, AFHEA.

Dr Peter Zeh

Dr Peter Zeh is an assistant professor in adult nursing, research and diabetes.

Learning outcomes

Throughout this Masters Dissertation, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify a research question and objectives and choose an appropriate research method

  • Design a study which is congruent with the research question and methodology and demonstrates competence at each stage of the research process

  • Produce a report of your study which shows critical analysis and evaluation and includes interpretation of findings, conclusions and recommendations/implications for practice

This module is an independent project with support from allocated supervisors so limited tuition could be available. Students are required to work independently under supervision to execute a piece of empirical research and to develop an associated business plan. The choice of topic is usually agreed between the student and the student’s project supervisor following their negotiation.

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