Coventry University program

Literature Review and Business Plan

Integrate your research skills and investigate an area of interest to produce a literature review and business plan.

This program is part of the MSc Business and Organisational Psychology degree offered by Coventry University

Create your own literature review and business plan

You will undertake an independent literature review at an advanced level and produce a related business plan. You'll be encouraged by a dedicated supervisor to integrate and practice the skills you've acquired during your Masters degree and to investigate in-depth an area of interest to you.

Additionally, you will be expected to demonstrate a critical and evaluative understanding of the research literature.

During this program you will:

  • Conduct a systematic review and critically evaluate a specified area of business psychology using related literature

  • Work independently to deadlines and demonstrate initiative and an advanced level of skill in planning, problem-solving, information gathering and investigation

  • Report the findings of the review in a format suitable for publication in an appropriate review journal, demonstrating a scholarly level of ability in terms of innovation, creativity, interpretation and integration of theoretical concepts and empirical research

  • Produce a business plan related to the conclusions of the literature review.

This module is an independent project with support from allocated supervisors so there is limited tuition. Students are required to work independently under supervision to execute a piece of empirical research and to develop an associated business plan. The choice of topic will usually be the result of negotiation between the student and the student’s project supervisor.


5 courses

Delivered by expert academics

Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.

Please note that the staff described in the 'Who will you learn with?' section below may be subject to change.

  • Coventry University

Who will you learn with?

Dr Andre Soares

Andre Soares PhD, MSc, BSc, FHEA, CPsychol – assistant professor in business and occupational psychology at Coventry University

Navami Leena

Lecturer at Coventry University online. Navami Leena’s research interests are in leadership, public health, health policies, healthcare leadership and management.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion you should be able to:

  • Conduct a literature review in order to critically evaluate a specified area of business psychology using related literature.

  • Work independently to deadlines and demonstrate initiative and an advanced level of skill in planning, problem-solving, information gathering and investigation.

  • Report the findings of the review in a format suitable for publication in an appropriate review journal, demonstrating a scholarly level of ability in terms of innovation, creativity, interpretation and integration of theoretical concepts and empirical research.

  • Produce a business plan related to the conclusions of the literature review.

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