University of Newcastle Australia program

Rage Against the Machine: Indigenous Activism, Ways of Life and the Future

This program, SOCA3850, illuminates indigenous peoples' struggles for natural resources, sovereignty, and nationhood.

This program is part of the Bachelor of Arts degree offered by The University of Newcastle Australia

Gain an appreciation of indigeneity and indigenous peoples' global fight for their rights.

This program explores the contemporary social, cultural, economic and political situations of indigenous peoples across the world. Learners are introduced to definitions and parameters of 'indigenous' peoples and their overlap with 'ethnic minorities' and the concept of 'fourth world nations'. Throughout the course, learners will engage with case studies that illustrate Indigenous peoples' struggles, including battles over land/marine rights, co-existence with settler/migrant communities, independence and nationhood, and reclamation of pre-colonial political boundaries and entities. The course offers an anthropological exploration of indigeneity and ethnicity, and students are introduced to post-colonial and de-colonial theory. By investigating examples of 21st century land use struggles (eg Standing Rock, Adani Carmichael Mine, the Brazilian ‘war of survival’), it places distinct emphasis on how contemporary challenges facing Indigenous peoples continue to relate to questions of land and land use.

We acknowledge the traditional owners upon whose ancestral lands the University of Newcastle campuses stand.


4 courses

The University of Newcastle Australia

The University of Newcastle stands as a global leader in higher education, distinguished by a commitment to equity and excellence. Our degree programs are internationally recognised. Our research is world-class and diverse, and our partnerships and collaborations drive innovation.

UON continues to build its global reputation for being one of the world's most prestigious universities and is consistently in the top 10 Australian universities for research.

  • The University of Newcastle Australia

Who will you learn with?

Fee Mozeley

Dr Fee Mozeley is a lecturer of sociology/anthropology at The University of Newcastle. Her teaching and research centre story-based practices and more-than-rational ways of knowing and being.

Learning outcomes

Please see the SOCA3850: Indigenous Peoples of the Contemporary World program handbook for more detail.

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