Coventry University program

Humanitarian Principles, Preparedness and Response

Gain the knowledge and skills you’ll need to develop effective humanitarian disaster preparedness and response strategies.

This program is part of the MSc Disaster Management and Resilience degree offered by Coventry University

Learn to change lives through a people-centred approach to disaster response

This program aims to introduce the main principles of disaster management and places them squarely in a humanitarian context.

With a strong focus on the developing world, this program is designed to help equip students with a broad range of analytical skills while developing their understanding of a variety of key topics and concepts.

You will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge of humanitarian principles and values, standards and accountability, the disaster management cycle, international humanitarian law and issues surrounding civil military cooperation.


5 courses

Delivered by expert academics

Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.

Please note that the staff described in the 'Who will you learn with?' section below may be subject to change.

  • Coventry University

Who will you learn with?

Martin Nthakomwa

Lecturer in International Disaster Relief and Community Reconstruction

Learning outcomes

On completion of this program, you should be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the theoretical and policy context of international humanitarian interventions
  • Evaluate good practice in humanitarian preparedness and response from an organisational perspective
  • Evaluate the changing face of the humanitarian sector and whether current structures and practices are fit for purpose
  • Analyse challenges of the operational context for managing beneficiary protection, staff safety and organisational continuity

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