Murdoch University program

Health Policy and Governance

This program, SWM517 Health Policy and Governance, examines health policy from a governance perspective.

This program is part of the Health Administration, Policy and Leadership and All Murdoch Programs degrees offered by Murdoch University

Identify best practices in health policy and reforms

This program examines national and international health policy from a governance perspective. Governance has become a central concept in many disciplines studying social coordination (e.g. political sciences, public policy, management, economics). This unit covers healthcare governance modes and how the health sector is governed in Australia and other countries. It examines the historical, economic and political influences on current and emerging issues with the purpose of identifying best practices in health policy and reforms.

To join this program, please apply for a degree in Health Administration, Policy and Leadership.


4 courses

Murdoch University

Murdoch University is the place where independent and collaborative thinking thrives. The type of free-thinking that leads to ground-breaking research with a global impact.

  • Murdoch University

Who will you learn with?

Ana Rita Sequeira

Dr Ana Rita Sequeira is a lecturer and researcher in the Health Administration, Policy and Leadership Program at the Sir Walter Murdoch School of Public Policy and International, Murdoch University.

Learning outcomes

  • Examine different models and regulations of governance in health care (and healthcare services more generally);
  • Apply theoretical knowledge and critically analyse specific cases from different perspectives for health policy;
  • Critically examine the position of specific agencies and actors within the (changing) governance arrangements (e.g. the changing role of patients and professionals);
  • Examine different types of health care systems and policies by describing how these function in terms of organising and financing health care, and analyse their implications for efficiency and equity in health care;
  • Critically analyse contemporary reforms in health care nationally and internationally in terms of changing governance repertoires and arrangements;
  • Assess the comparative performance of health care systems and use such analysis to infer implications for health policy;
  • Identify and effectively use appropriate research to understand and analyse health policy;
  • Apply analytical skills to interpret, analyse and synthesise data from a variety of sources and communicate information effectively (oral and written).

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