Coventry University program

Financial Analysis

Explore various financial analysis tools to evaluate the financial performance of an organisation.

Identify and analyse the financial information of an organisation

One of the challenges in any business is to make investment decisions that provide yield rates in excess of the cost of financing those investments. This program will examine how firms can create value through sound investment decisions and financial strategies.

You will explore the tools for assessing financial performance and the economic condition of an organisation, with emphasis on financial reports of real-world organisations. You will be introduced to the key concepts of managerial accounting and explore how to identify relevant costs for short and long-term decision making.


5 courses

Delivered by expert academics

Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.

Please note that the staff described in the 'Who will you learn with?' section below may be subject to change.

  • Coventry University

Who will you learn with?

Winfred Akomeah

Winfred is a lecturer in Accounting at Coventry University. He presently teaches on various accounting modules and his research interests are in ownership structure developments in emerging markets.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this program, you should be able to:

  • Evaluate the performance of an organisation using various financial analysis tools

  • Critically analyse different patterns of cost behaviour and apply cost-volume-profit analysis to business decisions

  • Apply discounted cash flow and other techniques to capital investment decisions

  • Critically evaluate the performance of an organisation using financial and non-financial measures

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