Purdue University program

Digital Media Analytics

Explore different aspects of digital and social media analytics with this program designed for business professionals.

  • Overview 6 courses + 1 assessment
  • Duration 15 weeks
  • Learn Free
  • Credential $354 + £98 More info
  • Program Academic credential

Understand digital media analytics, and how they could help your business

How do businesses make sense of the large amounts of data coming from social and digital media? What are the best strategies for extracting and using this data? Explore the answers to these questions, and more, with this program of courses exploring digital media and social media analytics.

You will get an introduction to digital and social media analytics, before progressing to examine social media research, owned media, earned media, paid media, and using 'listening data'. At the end of the program you should feel confident in applying your knowledge in your own professional life.

Courses and assessment

6 courses and 1 final assessment

How does our pricing work?

Start Learning Free
$354 USD - Course Upgrades
£98 GBP - Final Assessment

Can I learn for free?

How do course upgrades work?

How does Unlimited work?

What is the final assessment?

Are these the final prices?

Learn from experts in digital and social media analytics

Purdue is a world-class institution recognized for its quality in research, scholarship, and teaching. The faculty of the Brian Lamb School of Communications are leading experts in the field of digital and social media.

  • Purdue University

Who will you learn with?

Sorin Adam Matei

Dr. Matei is the College of Liberal Arts Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Communication in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University.

Jessica Welch

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University. My research interests include pedagogy and social media interaction.

Learning outcomes

Completing all the courses in this program will enable you to:

  • Differentiate between the opportunities and limitations with social media data

  • Identify methods for using ready and custom-made tools to transform information into insight, from data collection to analysis, interpretation, and recommendation

  • Sharpen quantitative and business analytical skills using spreadsheets and online tools

  • Write effective reports and draft scorecards

  • Be prepared to interact with data scientists by speaking their language and understanding their processes for data mining and business intelligence