Coventry University program

Business Models and Processes

Develop a real world practical business and explore the possibilities of launching it in the flesh.

Becoming a business entrepreneur

In this program you will become a business entrepreneur and learn through creating your very own business idea. You will study a variety of different topics, including business model thinking and innovation, business process design and analysis, dealing with complexity and adapting to change.

It will enhance your knowledge of product design, quality management and operations improvement. You will be able to identify good practice and areas for development within your own business environment capability and that of organisations in general.


5 courses

Delivered by UK’s top modern university

Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.

Please note that the staff described in the 'Who will you learn with?' section below may be subject to change.

  • Coventry University

Who will you learn with?

Muhammad Mustafa Kamal

I am an Associate Professor (Principal Lecturer) of Supply Chain Management, Subject Leader in Operations Management and Director of the Transnational Research Degree (TNRD) Programme at SSL/FBL.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this program, you should be able to:

  • Critically evaluate business model thinking as applied within the context of developing a new business idea and understand, through practical application, the value proposition, the importance of a vision, mission and values for a business and business process mapping as a means to develop a business idea

  • Compare differing business models and understand reasons for their application to a variety of specific business environments including the development of a business idea

  • Critically evaluate case examples in relation to business processes, operations management and supply chain management in global contexts and apply this knowledge within a business development setting

  • Understand the concept of the business as a dynamic entity as a basis for creating successful and sustainable businesses

  • Evaluate the inter-relationships between business strategy, environment, stakeholders, culture, people and business requirements and apply within the context of business design

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