Many young people will experience multiple stressful events. As a result of those, some develop psychological problems and some don’t. In this video Anne-Laura van Harmelen explains that this is …
In the previous weeks, you have learned about the most common psychological problems. Now we turn to resilience. In this video, Anne-Laura van Harmelen explains that resilience is mentally being …
In this video Hanneke Wigman explains that we still do not exactly know what the cause of psychosis is. A lot of different factors seem to play a role in …
In the previous step you went looking for the answer to this question yourself. In this video Hanneke Wigman explains how often psychoses occur and at what age. Furthermore, she …
You just heard about the voice William heard, but there are other things that you could experience during psychosis. In this video Hanneke Wigman uses an animation to explain what …
William just told us about how he heard a voice in his head and he had the feeling that other people could look into his head. These are symptoms that …
Welcome to Week 5 about psychosis and resilience. The first steps are about psychosis. When you have psychosis you are very confused and see the world differently than it actually …
You have just discussed your estimations about how many young people in your classroom or that you know use substances. In this video Ina Koning explains that there is a …
In the previous step you read about Tom and Paul’s antisocial behaviour and answered the question to which kind of antisocial behaviour group they belong: temporary or persistent. In this …
Antisocial behaviour occurs quite frequent among young people. Luckily, for most young people this is something temporary. In this video Tina Kretschmer explains that there is a small group of …
In the previous step some possible explanations were given about why teenagers show more antisocial behaviour than children or adults. In this video Tina Kretschmer will go into these explanations …