We’ve deliberately hit you with the theory up front – so congratulations on making it this far into our learning journey together. This week we considered the principles of forensic …
The Carbon 14, or radiocarbon dating method is one of the best-known methods of dating human fossils and has been around since the late 1940s. The Carbon 14 (14C) dating …
It is not always immediately obvious if a discovered bone is human or animal. Or even if it’s a bone. There are a few considerations that can assist. One of …
A leading principle of archaeology is stratigraphic sequence – the slow and careful recovery of the different geological layers present at a site. Archaeology is the study of material items …
Forensics uses a combination of primary identifiers, associated items and antemortem records to identify human remains. When the ancient Romans spoke of ‘forensis’ they were referring to matters that were …
Let’s agree to some basic guidelines for our learning journey together. ARCHE and the School of Environment and Science at Griffith University have created this learning space because we’re committed …
These articles are from the online course:
Written in Bone: An Introduction to Forensic and Bio-archaeology