Whenever you are giving a presentation, it’s essential that the talk has specific aims and is expressed clearly. The purpose of a business presentation may be to inform, persuade or …
Volume, like pace and intonation, can reveal the mood and mindset of a presenter. It is important that your delivery is at an appropriate noise level. Speaking too loudly might …
An important step in becoming an effective presenter is to make sure that the speed of your delivery is appropriate. Your pace will vary, but if you speak too quickly …
When trying to get your message across, it’s not just what you say but how you say it. The intonation and stress in your voice convey different meanings. Intonation is …
After providing details of the important elements in the main body of the talk, you should provide a short conclusion and make it clear that you have reached the end …
After introducing your aim and offering an outline of the talk, the focus will turn to the specific content – the main body. In this main section, you should provide …
What you say and how you say it is an essential part of communicating your message to the audience. Whether English is your first language or not, this section will …
Effective presentations are organised into clear sections that help to communicate the important points and the main message. The introduction A clear and confident introduction can make a good impression. …
Watch the short animation. In it we can see our character attempting to give a presentation. Unfortunately a lot of things go wrong and he makes a lot of avoidable …
Let’s begin by looking at a video example of an effective presentation. In this video, Zahra is posing as a consultant for Ethos Industries, a fictional agricultural business. The company …
Whether your presentation is delivered in an educational or a professional setting, it’s important that your talk is well organised, clear and interesting. In this first short course, we will …