We’d like to end this course with an enormous thank you to the many teachers and educators who made this course possible. Our hosts Each of of the week’s guest …
Thank you for being part of our learning community over the last four weeks. We hope that you’ll have identified why you might choose to use technology as a tool …
If you could select just one thing that’s had the greatest impact on your thinking or practice on this course, please post it below or share it at #FLEducationTech. Thank …
What have we learned this week? Engagement with research evidence has revealed that effective assessment and marking practices are driven by the needs of pupils and used to inform responsive …
This case study appears as part of our report entitled, ‘Testing the Water’. Permission has kindly been granted by LKMCo and Daisy Christodoulou to include the case study as part …
In this video, Katharine Hutchinson, Director of Professional Learning and Development at Cambridgeshire Educational Trust (secondary), shares her use of a technology tool for automated marking. Katharine shares how she …
In this video, Simon James, Teacher of Computing and Co-ordinator for Creative Technologies at Denbigh High School (secondary), shares how he’s developed a progress tracker that can be used to …
In this video, Kayleigh Blanchard, PE Teacher and Peter Watts, Assistant Head at Chesterton Community College (secondary), share how pupils are making use of video in PE lessons to assess …
In this video, Dr Sue Childs, Head of Mathematics at Ashford School (secondary), shares how she provides pupils with actionable online feedback both written and audio. Sue speaks of the …
In this video, Chris Neesham, Deputy Headteacher at Ashford Prep School (primary), shares how he makes use of technology to support pupils’ presentation of their learning and subsequent feedback. Chris …
In this video, Susan Dench, Executive Headteacher at the West Grantham Academy, St Hugh’s (secondary), shares how she’s made use of iTunesU and Apple Pages to create an online approach …
In this video, Zainab Patel, Assistant Headteacher at Olive Tree School (primary), shares how pupils can benefit from audio feedback. Zainab shares how her school made a move away from …
In this video, Joanne Dove, Teacher at Prescot Primary School (primary), shares how she makes use of technology to support efficient and effective feedback. Joanne shares why she moved towards …
So far this week you have engaged with the research evidence around effective assessment and feedback, and with how technology might support these practices. To help you explore some of …
In Week 4, we will be exploring how effective feedback and assessment approaches might be supported by education technologies through engaging with what research evidence has to tell us and …