The accompanying social media channel strategy template, which you can download in the next step, will guide you through the creation of your own strategy document. The sections are as …
An essential factor to consider when defining your channel strategy is the demographic makeup of users for each platform. Objective Setting for Social Media Channels Setting KPIs can be difficult, …
There are too many channels for you to use them all effectively, so you must choose the ones that will deliver the most value for your brand and your consumers. …
A social media channel strategy should take a holistic view across your social media channels. It should articulate: Who your audience is Which channels to use to target them What …
In most situations, you will be working with several people, often in different locations. Seamless collaboration will be crucial to the success of your strategy. Whether working across internal teams …
A well-defined social media strategy should detail exactly how your brand conducts itself in social and what content it publishes. Keep Your Social Media Strategy Broad Make sure you keep …
Well done, you have completed your third week! You learned about: why social listening is important and how to embrace the opportunities that social listening creates how to determine what …
Just because you’re on a shoe-string budget, shouldn’t exclude you from enacting your social listening strategy. There are a lot of free tools out there, while many paid-for tools also …
Small companies, with even smaller budgets, are also catered for by a range of reasonably-priced tools and software. Hootsuite Focussing on facilitating the management of social channels across teams, Hootsuite …
These programs are designed to scale-up for large organisations. They often come with a mind-boggling list of features and tools at predictably hefty price-tags. TalkWalker First and foremost a social …
There is a vast number of social listening tools available, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. Many are free or low-cost, whilst a small number of market leaders dominate …
To benchmark all of the above, you must gather the metrics for your competitors, and compare them like for like. Tools such as FanpageKarma can make this an extremely quick …
If relevant and available, fill in the sub-topics that are trending at this present time in your subject area. These may only be relevant today, this week or this month, …
The next section to complete is content, which will give you an idea of what people engage within your topic area. Finding your most popular content which contains your keywords …
Once you have an overview of your wider topic area it’s time to turn your attention to your own social media accounts. Using the data provided by each platform, as …