In order to achieve the best results from your social media activity, you should explore a mix between ‘organic’ and ‘paid’ social media. Organic versus paid media Organic social media …
Regardless of whether you’re publishing organic or paid content, your content must be of value to the people it is shown to, as well as being a coherent part of …
Social media can only benefit your business when it has a positive effect on the relationship between a business and its consumers. A ‘success gap’ is growing between businesses that …
As you work through the courses in this ExpertTrack you’ll see opportunities to add comments at the end of most steps. There might be a question or problem to discuss, …
Welcome to Understanding Social Media Strategy and the start of your learning journey on the How to Create a Social Media Strategy ExpertTrack, brought to you by the Institute of …
This week you will learn: how social planning should be integrated with the business strategy how and why social media should be integrated with all your channels collaboration techniques to …
This week you will learn: why social listening is important how to embrace the opportunities that social listening creates how to determine what you want to achieve from your social …
This week you will learn: how social media contributes to organisation goals how to turn business goals into social media objectives how to measure success using key performance indicators how …
This week you will learn: the role of social media in people’s lives and the benefits of social media to an organisation what should be included in a social media …
Well done, you have completed your final week. You learned about: the tools available for social listening and which are the right tools for you how to create a social …
Now that you are familiar with how to approach planning a social media strategy, you are encouraged to submit an example campaign strategy as an assignment for peer grading. Assignment …
1. Read the assignment requirements: On the next step, you’ll find the assignment requirements. Please read these instructions carefully. 2. Submit your assignment: Write your answers under each prompt. 3. …
Objective setting We have set out a fictional strategy, to illustrate how we would have written a social media strategy based on the business and marketing goals of this campaign. …
Creating a campaign-specific strategy is a vital first step in deploying a social media campaign. This should take the form of a document made accessible to all key stakeholders through …
Using the social media campaign strategy template, which you can download at the bottom of this page, let’s go through each section of a social media campaign strategy. Business Goals …