The accurate description of a molecule involves understanding the distance between the atoms and the strength of their atomic bonds (the sharing of electrons so that the atoms stick together …
Machine learning involves classifying data, in order to make decisions. “Efficient” classical algorithms for finding full solutions exist, but the sheer volume of data means that computation times are high. …
Today’s best classical computers and algorithm would require the lifetime of the universe to factor a number that is 2000 bits long. Even the apparently exponential gain of Moore’s law …
Shor’s algorithm is an amazing accomplishment, isn’t it? But it’s a complex algorithm involving a number of concepts that are probably new to you and it’s a combination of both …
Now that we understand what the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) does, and we know what the period of a function is, we can talk about how the QFT is used …
Like the classical Fourier transform, quantum Fourier transform (QFT) takes data from the original signal representation to the frequency domain representation. The QFT differs from the classical Fourier transform in …
The key to Shor’s algorithm is the insight that the function (f(x) = a^x bmod N) is periodic, and that we can extract that period using the quantum Fourier transform. …
One tool we are going to need in our toolbox is a way to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers. You probably learned the basic idea in …
A lot of mathematical functions are periodic. That is, if you start in some place and move forward, eventually the sequence of values repeats itself. The time it takes for …
Let’s talk about the structure of Peter Shor’s algorithm for factoring large numbers. As we saw, a “quantum” algorithm is really a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm. It begins with some classical …
In computer science, the two most important classes of problems are P and NP. The P class stands for polynomial, that is, we can solve the problem in order of …
Our second major building block in Grover’s algorithm is the diffusion operator, which implements the “inversion about the mean” operation. The algorithm gives us a polynomial speedup on a broad …
Working with multi-qubit registers allows the number of possible states to grow exponentially. It requires us to keep track of the weight (or amplitude) and phase of each possible state. …
A quantum algorithm generally has five parts. The first part is the classical pre-processing. Next, we initialize the processor or qubit register to zero and create a superposition of all …