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Communities and their ecosystem

We have to understand that the management of natural resources is traditionally being done by communities that have a deep relation with the ecosystem they depend on. Moreover, they are …

Types of goods

In this article we will present a typology of goods based on the concepts of non-excludable and excludable goods, and rivalrous and non-rivalrous goods introduced in the previous steps. We …

Economic point of view

Much policy on protecting fish stocks is being developed from an economical point of view, implicitly assuming that fishers are economic maximisers. Moreover, policymakers sometimes do not have a clear …

Rounding up Game Theory

In the previous steps we used many concepts from game theory to analyse the kitchen problem. In this step we will organize these concepts and point you to some other …

Fishing policies

One policy that is being effectuated at the Dutch coast is the limitation of “sea days”, the days during the week fishers are allowed to go out fishing. Currently it …

Is it rational to be a free rider?

In this article we will describe in more detail the problem of free riding and examine how this problem is related to different types of goods. We will say that …

Policies and fish stock

Simulation models help us in understanding the often complex dynamics of socio-ecological systems. Simple models can illustrate some basic dynamics, and adding new elements to these models may help us …

Free riders

In this video we will discuss the free rider problem that arises when you can use a certain good without paying for it. We will also discuss how it relates …

What is a Multi-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma?

In this article we will list the main characteristics of a Multi-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma and illustrate them with the student kitchen example. A Multi-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma is a game that …

Is a crowded kitchen a cleaner kitchen?

This week we will investigate what happens when there are more people that share a good. We will also try out using charts in order to illustrate multi-person situations and …

Introducing solutions: norms and sanctions

Our everyday experience shows us that there are solutions that help us prevent freeriding, both in public transport, and more generally, in situations related to sharing or cooperating. Cities receive …

Pareto optimality

In the previous step we saw that sometimes it is possible to find solutions that are definitely not socially rational without comparing the happiness of different parties. In this step …