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Hello, Wiktionary! Hello, Urban Dictionary!

Here we introduce two dictionaries, Wiktionary and Urban Dictionary, which both rely on user-generated content but are actually quite different. Before we examine those differences, however, there are a couple …

Are you a ‘digital native’?

A distinction is often made between those who have grown up entirely in the internet-connected world (the so-called ‘digital natives’) and those who started to use the internet as adults …

The influence of the internet

In the past, educational theorists such as Ivan Illich argued that formal schooling prevents us from thinking for ourselves and sharing what we know. Illich proposed that, instead of going …

Different types of dictionary

So, you have an idea in your own mind of what a dictionary is, but do you have any idea how many different types and formats of dictionary there are? …

Understanding Dictionaries: Survey Findings

Questionnaire surveys can be a good way of finding out about the behaviour and attitudes of dictionary users and are probably the only way of investigating long-term and historical aspects …

Views from campus

We asked a few people in Coventry why they used dictionaries and this is what they said. Your task What different uses for dictionaries did the people in the video …

Some common uses

The simplest use of a dictionary is to check the meaning of a word when we are reading – as long as we can find out what the word means …