Overactive bladder (OAB) is a symptom complex of urinary urgency, with or without urge incontinence, frequency and nocturia. There are different types of OAB and urodynamics can help to diagnose …
The defining symptom of an overactive bladder (OAB) is Urgency[1] which is defined by the International Continence Society (ICS) as being: ‘the complaint of a sudden compelling desire to pass …
The bladder, sphincters and pelvic floor are all under nervous control. In this section we are going to look at the nerves involved in bladder control and maintenance of continence, …
The spinal, cortical and pontine micturition control centres all work together to control micturition (urination). Find out what happens when there is damage to the micturation control centres. 1. Spinal …
To date we have studied structure and function of the bladder, urethra and pelvic floor, now we are going to look at how this works and how we learn to …
The normal bladder fills and empties in cycles. Urine production by the kidneys is continuous – about 1ml per minute or 60ml an hour. Figure 2.8: The bladder cycle of filling …
Pelvic floor function is very important in the maintenance of both bladder and bowel continence. The pelvic floor is a funnel-shaped structure. It is a sling of muscles and ligaments …
The pelvic floor muscles are made up of slow and fast twitch fibres. It requires the combination of both slow and fast twitch fibres for the pelvic floor to work. …
Males have two sphincters: Bladder internal/neck sphincter, smooth muscle is continuous with the detrusor muscle and is under involuntary control or autonomic control; the function of this sphincter is to …
The female urethra has only one function which is micturition of urine. The female urethra has a length of 4-6cm, and is a straight tube which angles slightly backwards towards …
To be able to understand continence fully it is important to know about the organs involved in storage and evacuation – the bladder and urethra, and how they relate to …
This section looks at the bladder and urethral sphincters starting with the male urethra. There is a significant difference in the length of the male and female urethra and we …
The Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Inquiry (2013)[1] highlighted that two thirds (22 of 33) of cases of oral evidence heard raised significant concerns about continence and bladder and bowel care. …
The word ‘continence’ comes from the Latin word continentia which means ‘a holding back’. Continence refers to self-control, it is the ability to hold back bodily functions from the bladder or …