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Course Objectives and Learning Design

Now that you have considered your Learning Outcomes, you can think about your learning design. For the purposes of the assignment, you will be asked to give a broad summary …

Learning Outcomes

For your assignment, we will ask you to write 2-3 Learning Outcomes to represent your course. To keep the task manageable, this will usually just be a sample of your …

Your Course Design

In week 1, we summarised the main elements that go into the planning of a course. They were: Course context including the goals for your training and considering your target …

Welcome to Week 3

Week 3 educators welcome you and introduce you to this week’s learning In Week 3, you will have an opportunity to put into practice learning from the previous two weeks. …

Welcome to Week 2

Week 2 educators welcome you and introduce you to this week’s learning In Week 2, you will hear from professional trainers on how they apply pedagogical concepts explained in Week …

Course Assessment

An assessment plan is a vital part of the course design. It details the types of assessment that will be used to help learners achieve the intended learning outcomes. Well-designed …

Teaching and Learning Strategies

In this article, you will discover teaching and learning strategies. Equipped with the theories of how people learn, teachers and trainers can choose among different techniques and approaches available to …

Welcome to Week 1

Week 1 educators are welcoming you to the first week of the course – in this video they are talking about this week’s learning. At this point in the course, …

Developing Course Materials

In previous sections we discussed case studies of designing training activities for experimental and bioinformatics. This should be accompanied by a set of training materials, documentation, description of equipment, infrastructural …

How People Learn

Learning theories translate into and influence educational practice. The theories of how people learn have changed throughout history, from seeing a new-born human as a ‘tabula rasa’ (a clean slate) …

How to Design a Statistical Genetics Course

Interview with Dr Segun Fatumo (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Medical Research Council/ Uganda Virus Research Institute): Rationale and programme overview. Planning the design of your course …

Planning considerations and resource management

Planning and resource management Understanding context and needs, defining goals and identifying the target audience are the first steps in developing a training course and provide the basis for planning, …

Your Assignment

Your assignment explained Introduction During the last two and a half weeks, you have learnt about the main elements of course design. We saw how to consider course context, and …

References and Resources

Wider list of references and resources used in the course (please also find the list attached as a downloadable pdf) Teaching strategies and curriculum implementation Strategies for using peer-assisted learning …