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Take home message

We hope you’ve enjoyed your journey and expanded your knowledge. Each step has been full of some wonderful contributions which have made the course even more enjoyable. The last 3 …

The Gut-Brain Axis: A Case Study

Gut Vibes! What is the “gut-brain axis”? What is meant by “gut feelings”? Gut and brain interaction, what comes first? The connection between the “gut” and the “brain” through the …

What to expect from week 2

During week 2 Journey of Food you will learn how foods are digested and how they interact and modulate our gut microbiome. You will understand more about fermented foods and …

What is dysbiosis and leaky gut?

The intestinal mucosa is a heterogeneous entity composed mainly of tightly packed single layers of epithelial cells covering the external surfaces of our intestinal mucosa, and interacting with the surrounding …

Microbiota vs Microbiome

Often the terms microbiota and microbiome are used in an interchangeable way, however they have a complete different meaning. Recently, as an outcome of the MicrobiomeSupport project a group of …


Did you know that friendly moulds reside in our gut? Did you know that you ingest these microbes daily with food? Think a little about blue cheese for example. Moulds …

Is there an alternative to antibiotics?

Should all viruses be considered villains? Scientists have discovered that viruses heavily influence the microbiome and, if harnessed correctly, could offer a potential alternative to antibiotics. The human gastrointestinal tract is …


The gastrointestinal tract contains a diverse microbial community that is predominantly bacterial and is referred to as the gut microbiota. Bacteria are the most studied and scientists have discovered over …

Resistant Starch and the role of the microbiota

How is resistant starch broken down? Most starches are easily digested in our small intestine but resistant starch resists digestion and reaches the colon intact. It is therefore a component …

Composition of Gut Microbiome

This step discusses the various components of the gut microbiome. Composition of Gut Microbiome You probably know that billions of micro-organisms live in our bodies, mostly located in the gastrointestinal …