You do not need to be an HRM professional to be able to reflect on these practices. And yet, I wonder how many of you observe that in some organizations …
Select three characteristics for each of the following HR practices that to your knowledge (should) represent the core of these practices in (your) organization and write them down on some …
Now, after we considered the HRM philosophy, I want you to reflect on people management policies & practices in your organization. HR policies are statements that providing guidelines for action …
Let’s dive into the definition of HRM systems. What would be components and matters of properly functioning HRM systems? In this video, Tanya will explain the definition and its importance …
Prof. dr. Tanya Bondarouk is professor of HRM and Technology at the University of Twente. She is recognized as one of the founders of the new research area of HRM …
Our guest for this session is Frank ten Oever, senior HR Manager in the healthcare. He has been HR Manager for among else the VU Medical Centre in Amsterdam and …
dr. Anna Bos is assistant Professor in HRM at the University of Twente. Her research interest lies in the role of line managers towards HRM implementation effectiveness and innovative behaviours. …
Did you know that The Netherlands is one of the most innovative countries in the European Union? Ranking only behind the Scandinavian countries (Financieel Dagblad, 2019). Also, in the Global …
Dr. Maarten Renkema is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Twente in the field of Human Resource Management & Innovation. In this video, Maarten introduces you to this session’s …
Now that you learned about the strategic value and uniqueness of groups of employees, we can turn to the employment modes. Lepak and Snell (1999) developed four different approaches to …
How do organizations decide whether to develop talent internally or attract them externally? Geke Kooij of Thales will illustrate how she manages this challenge at Thales.
To make decisions where and how to invest in employees, Lepak and Snell (1999) proposed a portfolio approach – the so-called employment portfolio. This model takes into account the strategic …