Random sequences are interesting in their own right. However, data that is presented in the form of a list is not particularly easy to analyse. You may have already arranged …
How good is simulated data? You should now have two sets of data for our experiment: A set of ‘real’ data, collected using a spinner. A set of simulated data, …
We can also use a spreadsheet to simulate experimental data. Download the provided spreadsheet, ‘Simulation 1’. This has been set up to provide a simulation of the experiment that you …
Now you can use your paperclip and the supplied spinner template to collect some experimental data. We are going to use the spinner as a tool to explore a very …
Now make your own spinner. You will need: A printed copy of ‘Spinner Template for Step 1.8’ A paperclip A pen or pencil to act as a pivot Carefully unfold …
We will be making considerable use of spinners. Watch the video to see what a basic spinner looks like, and how to make one using a paperclip and the supplied …
Having considered some of the problems involved in teaching probability, it is time to present the main features of an alternative (and, we believe, better) approach . Our approach is …
International studies of mathematics reveal that the teaching of probability takes up relatively little time within the mathematics timetable. This is simultaneously disappointing and unsurprising. Disappointing because probability and the …
Probability is perhaps one of the topics from school mathematics that are used most often in the real world. We use ideas of probability all the time, often without really …
It is important – but surprisingly difficult – to be clear about what we mean by probability. In fact, probability can mean very different things to different people! Some popular …