Hello and welcome to Week 4. We hope you enjoy this week of discussions, remember to introduce yourself, and take part by commenting at the bottom of each section. This …
So what can you do now to implement an effective antibiotic strategy for sore throat in your practice? Watch the video for some action plan ideas from Michael Moore. We …
In this video Michael takes us through using the FeverPAIN Score. Which shows a series of symptoms which you can rate none, mild, moderate, or severe. The point of this …
The FeverPAIN score has been developed to include not only B haemolytic streptococci group A but also group C and G which can also cause acute sore throat whereas the …
Watch the video to hear specific details relating to the management of sore throat. Michael focusses on the evidence looking at the effectiveness of the prescribing of antibiotics for sore …
In this video Michael discusses the latest data surrounding each of these antibiotics and challenges commonly-held beliefs. In most cases antibiotics will be prescribed for respiratory tract infections due to …
The burden of antibiotic prescribing in primary care is high and although resistance may not be seen commonly in primary care at the moment, we need to be mindful that …
Michael introduces the resistance crisis and examines the problem that is faced globally with a projected estimates predicting that by 2050, deaths due to resistance will exceed those due to …
Meet Professor Michael Moore who will introduce the importance of appropriate antibiotic use. The video will cover the following: • The resistance crisis • Why does clinician prescribing matter? • …
By the end of Week 3 you will have an increased: awareness of the need for antibiotic stewardship. awareness of the effect of antibiotic prescribing in influencing antibiotic resistance in …
Hello and welcome to week 3. We hope you enjoy this week of discussions, remember to introduce yourself, and take part by commenting at the bottom of each section. This …
Well done on reaching the end of Week 2 on prescribing for UTIs. We hope you have enjoyed Week 2 and that you found the discussion with Professor Chris Butler …
Public Health England have developed the TARGET toolkit which is available via the RCGP website. Here you will find the UTI resource suite which groups all of the TARGET resources …
Sampling is not recommended for all patients with an uncomplicated UTI but for patients who have risk factors then it is recommended. Higher risk factors of UTI include: Recurrent infection …
Watch the video to hear about useful resources developed by Public Health England to aid the treatment pathway for patients experiencing the symptoms of UTI. Please note that the leaflet …