Please return here at the start of Week 6 for the round-up video for Week 5. Week 5 focused on the physical aspects of the supply chain. Before immersing yourself …
Can we, for example, make our own products in the comfort of our own homes? Watch the following video and read the article ‘the ultimate supply chain postponement system’ (link …
In this step we discover how warehouses might look in the future and who might be working there – if we need them at all of course! Robotics Read the …
We continue the theme for this week with this case study about the John Lewis Partnership. Based at Magna Park near Milton Keynes, UK, John Lewis’s warehouses have recently expanded …
Today’s warehouses are full of technology. When you place an order on the internet or go into a store to pick up an item watch how these orders are picked …
Why do we need warehouses, what roles do they play in today’s supply chain and what happens inside them? In the video above we take a look inside the Boots …
Logistics goes back a long way. The invention of the wheel allowed people to transport items between communities. Initially those communities will have grown and eaten their own food. With …
What does the word ‘logistics’ mean to you – what do you think about when you hear the word logistics? Simply put – Logistics means getting the right thing, to …
I hope you have enjoyed the week’s content and that you have a greater understanding of the role of logistics within the Supply chain. The most interesting aspects are the …
In the following diagram we can see how companies can become more environmentally friendly by reducing the effects of both transport and warehousing. The “wheel of Green logistics” provides a …
Do you recognise any of these companies? Not everyone is good at transport and warehousing. Many companies want to concentrate on what they are good at such as production, innovation …
Have you ever thought about a career logistics? What kind of jobs are there? Up until recently there were very few courses in logistics – logistics was rarely taught in …
Have you ever wondered how a Samsung TV gets from Korea to your home? Watch the video above, called ‘Life’s Little Luxury’. In the video we track the movement of …
The following methods of transport are used to move goods today. Road vehicles (trucks, vans, motorcycles) Railways Inland waterways (barges) Deep sea Air (Aircraft and drones) Pipelines A combination of …