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Last week, we looked at marketing orientation and planning. This week focuses on marketing planning, setting objectives and developing strategies, as well as the reasons why they are necessary for …

Strategic objectives

Strategies are carefully designed plans to achieve an overall aim (the mission and vision). They are based on organisational and environmental audits (we’ll look at this in the next short …

Customer needs

In 1960, economist Theodore Levitt published what has since become one of the most important articles in marketing literature. First appearing in the Harvard Business Review, ‘Marketing Myopia’ drew parallels …

Welcome to the course

This short course will introduce you to current definitions of marketing, the evolution of marketing and the concepts of marketing strategy, objectives and planning. Your task What do you expect …

Reflection on the course

We have now reached the end of this short course. You should now understand the term ‘marketing’ in its current management usage, know about the evolution of marketing, understand marketing …

Now and tomorrow

To help avoid planning disasters, managers need to know where their organisation is now, where they want it to go and how they intend to get there. This usually involves …

Defining strategies

As stated in the previous step, a strategy can be defined as a plan of action leading to specific objectives/goals/aims. The usage of these terms in business and academia is …

Strategic decisions have consequences

Organisations are not standalone entities, they operate in an environment where their actions affect the actions of others. Often, decisions taken for an organisation have long-term effects on the actions …

Researching definitions

During the first activity, you will have noticed that definitions of marketing vary widely and include a range of concepts such as advertising, sales, customer service and many more. The …

Learning with Coventry University

Coventry University believes that a good student experience is central to learning at a world-class standard. We aim to provide an online learning experience that’s engaging, dynamic and carefully designed …

What is a Learning Log?

A great way to get the most out of your learning is to consistently capture your thinking. Exactly what you choose to record will be different for everyone, but it …