Why not join us at Griffith University, and learn more about how you can help change the world for the better. Social Marketing@Griffith works in partnership to deliver insight-driven, evidence-based …
Marketing is respectful. Best practice marketing works in lasting partnerships to deliver change that sustains over time. Trade centres on exchange. Exchange is the understanding that two parties come together …
Apply a 6 step process to develop innovative solutions to learn from the people at the heart of the problem. Bottom-up approaches avoid costly failures, and they engage users. Not …
Social marketers ensure that all stakeholders will benefit from participating in, or supporting, programs delivered. This is done to help ensure lasting change. We think of this as building I …
The only experts that really matter are the people at the centre of the problem. To deliver lasting change we need to move away from top down, or expert led, …
A local council wanted to reduce dog and koala interactions. Finding a solution needed dog owners, dog trainers, wildlife experts, and other experts, to identify strategies that could be implemented …
Programs are built by social marketers together with people (and not for people). Social marketers are guided by a set of principles or marketing tools and techniques. Research has taught …
Due to the system qualities of large, wicked problems, a diverse range of perspectives are needed to deliver change. Think back to the Foresight Obesity map, which showed how an …
We can’t deny that some of our behaviours need to change. Applying marketing tools and techniques is one way that we can help to deliver social change. While there will …
Why not join us at Griffith University, and learn more about how you can help change the world for the better. Social Marketing @ Griffith works in partnership to deliver …
Social marketing’s key strength is that it is a respectful practice. World leading social marketers centre people at the heart of everything they do. This week we explored how marketing …
Co-creating programs that are valued by the people at the heart of the problem, and using insights gained to build engaging programs that people want, is how we deliver change. …
Social marketing does not manipulate people or tell them what to do. Rather, social marketing focuses on delivering lasting programs, services, products, and support, that people value. Social marketers understand …
Social marketing avoids telling people what to do. We can motivate people to change their behaviour by focusing on delivering programs that include benefits that people want. In marketing theory …
What is social marketing? Many people think that social marketing is Facebook, Twitter and other social and digital platforms. Others think that social marketing is advertising and selling. Social marketing …