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What Do We Mean by Remote Monitoring?

Remote programme monitoring has traditionally been used in complex or conflict environments where, due to access restrictions, organizations staff or partners are unable to consistently engage with affected communities in …

What Do We Mean by Remote Management?

Strong programme management is important for effective service delivery in child protection in humanitarian action. Access constraints, infection risks and travel restrictions have required both international and national humanitarian actors …

Engaging with Other Sectors and Governments

Toward a Multi-sectoral Response: Working with Communities, Governments, and Humanitarian Sectors “The prevention of and response to infectious disease outbreaks requires close coordination and collaboration between several sectors.” (CPMS) A …

Young People Taking Action in Response to IDOs

Despite the multiple impacts of COVID-19 on young people’s lives, many young people have rapidly mobilized to respond to the crisis. Young people around the world are working together and …

Recapitulación de la Semana 5

¡Enhorabuena por llegar al final de la Semana 5! Esperamos que el curso le haya resultado agradable y le haya presentado ideas útiles en su trabajo para la infancia durante …

Rendición de cuentas

Al brindar programas y servicios de protección infantil durante la COVID-19 y otros BEI, es vital considerar en primer lugar las opiniones, los derechos y la dignidad de las personas. …

Week 4 Wrap-up

Well done for reaching the end of Week 4. We hope that you have enjoyed the course so far and that you have been introduced to new ideas and ways …