In this final step, we will examine the patient’s response in the days following her operation. On day 4 post-operation there were signs of respiratory compromise, with an increased respiratory …
In this video, Helen Pardoe discusses the definition of sepsis and why it is important that we understand what sepsis is. Part of the difficulty is that the definition of …
Congratulations on completing this course on procalcitonin as a biomarker for antimicrobial stewardship! On completion of this course, you should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of how PCT use …
Well done for completing the third week of this course. We hope you have enjoyed this course. This week we covered the recent COVID-19 pandemic, how diagnostics were used during …
Dr Kordo Saeed discusses the impact of PCT on antimicrobial stewardship in clinical practice. Multi-drug resistance organisms pose a major threat to global health and this can be linked to …
We will now examine a second case study relating to COVID-19 – this time focusing on respiratory infections. Background The patient was a 58-year-old female, with a medical history that …
In this video, Dr Marie Parsons and Helen Pardoe have a conversation about the limitations of PCT use. One limitation of the use of PCT may be the cost for …
The emergence of COVID-19 has presented new clinical challenges, and we will now present two case studies that highlight the challenges in diagnosing infection. Background The patient was a 62-year-old …
Congratulations on reaching the end of week 2. We hope you have found the course enjoyable and informative so far. This week you have studied two different cases on the …
Most patients treated with sepsis are outside the intensive therapy unit (ITU). In the UK, PCT levels are recommended to be taken in the Emergency Department. This allows an early …
Now we will introduce a second case study, this time focusing on the use of procalcitonin outside of the ICU. First, we will examine the introduction to the case, the …
In this video, Dr Kordo Saeed discusses the barriers and limitations of PCT. Several barriers may prevent PCT from being used as a stewardship tool such as availability, cost and …
Welcome to the second week of this course on procalcitonin and its use as a diagnostic. Last week, we discussed diagnostics, in particular procalcitonin, and the benefits they have. We …
We hope you enjoyed the first week of this course on procalcitonin as a biomarker for antimicrobial stewardship. This week you have learnt about procalcitonin and other diagnostics. You have …
The concept of procalcitonin-guided antimicrobial stewardship was first tested in Emergency Department (ED) patients with infection of the lower respiratory tract. As PCT remains low (undetected) in viral infection and …