Personal Trainer's Toolkit: Mental Health First Aid for Fitness Trainers Archives - FutureLearn
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That brings us to the end of week two! This week we spoke about dealing with clients who are suffering from mental health disorders and your responsibility as a fitness …


Positive Body Language: Personal space – do not stand too close Do not stand in front of the casualty, standing to the side is less threatening neutral body language. How …

Applying the IDEAS Framework

An easy to use framework is the IDEAS action plan used by CQUniversity in managing a mental health crisis situation. I – Identify immediate dangers to yourself, others and the …

Mental Health Misconceptions

In this article, you will learn more about mental health crisis and specific warning signs. Mental Health Misconceptions Having a mental illness diagnosis does not define the person It does …

Suicidal Behaviour

Suicidal Behaviour Warning signs of suicide Expressing negative comments about self Expressing intent to die by suicide and having a plan to do so Expressing suicidal thoughts Putting personal affairs …

Schizophrenia Treatment and Management Options

Schizophrenia treatment is multidimensional and it includes drugs and psychotherapy which are aimed at resolving the symptoms associated with it. Schizophrenia A mental disorder in which a person loses contact …

Impulse Control Disorders

People With Impulse Control Disorders Cannot resist the urge to hurt themselves or others May cause physical, or financial harm to themselves May also behave in ways that cause them …

Types of Anxiety Disorders

There are various types of anxiety disorders with slightly similar physical manifestations. We compiled the common anxiety disorders and associated symptoms. Phobias Definition: A strong, irrational fear of something specific, …

Lifelong Learning With CQUniversity

Congratulations on completing this course! We hope that you have found the information throughout the last 2 weeks both informative and engaging. This final step presents an opportunity for you …