In Week 3 we show you how to find out information about the latest space missions and we give you ideas on how to incorporate them into your lessons or …
The team at the Royal Observatory Greenwich all have science backgrounds and many of us have worked as physics researchers too. Now we all work in the science learning team …
If you would like to try observing with your students but aren’t sure where to start, why not try looking for Jupiter. This video takes you through how to get …
The European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission captured the interest and imagination of a generation all over the world! Take a look at our video which explains what Rosetta (the orbiting …
We are often asked how our solar system was made. When we answer, we always approach this from a purely scientific point of view. Our solar system formed 4.5 billion …
In Week 3 we will talk about the importance of keeping your lessons up to date by including the latest scientific findings. In this video (aimed at older pupils aged …
The Story of Stars video is aimed at children aged 7 to 11 and introduces them to the lifecycles of three different stars: Otis, Georgie and Markus. Here are the …
We often get asked about the nature of the cosmos by schoolchildren. We like to start simple, with something they are familiar with and then work from there. When discussing …
Children ask about black holes on an almost daily basis. They are very aware of their existence and are incredibly curious about these elusive dark objects. Here are some of …
We appreciate that there is a lot of terminology in astronomy that you may not be familiar with. We introduced you to some of that terminology in Week 1 when …
If you can’t actually observe an astronomical phenomenon it is very difficult to explain it. Here you will find a video we have created that brings together many science concepts …
How do we get different phases of the Moon? We find (and our teacher forum seem to agree) that it is a very difficult topic to tackle unless you have …
There are key facts and figures to get to grips with when understanding night and day. We decided to create a video for teachers to use in the classroom which …
Take a look at this Space Rocks video which shows our approach to explaining asteroids, meteors, meteorites and the differences between them. Using the information in this video think about …