In this video, lecturers tell us all about studying Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield. They answer the following questions: Who are we? What made you interested in Orthoptics? What …
Studying Orthoptics is interesting and challenging with excellent employment opportunities. “You need to think of your career as a skills escalator”. Garth tells us about career prospects and progression through …
Helen Davis OBE is a professor of Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield, previous chair of the British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS), and the chair of the Education and …
In this video, lecturers tell us why the University of Liverpool is a great place to study Orthoptics. ‘See also’ below their undergraduate, pre-registration MSc, and foundation year course websites …
In this video, Jigs tells us about her role as the British and Irish Orthoptics Society representative for the International Orthoptic Association (IOA). The IOA envisions itself as the global …
Joe tells us about his impressive career pathway from an Orthoptist to the Clinical Director of Dentistry, Ophthalmology and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. “AHPs have a specific skill set which …
In this video, Nadia and Claudine tell us why Glasgow Caledonian University is a great place to study Orthoptics. ‘See also’ below their website to find more about entry requirements, …
In this video, UCL lecturers tell us why their pre-registration MSc course is great for studying Orthoptics. ‘See also’ below their website to find out more about entry requirements, course …
See how we test pupil reactions in a patients with no defect and with left Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD). When light is shone into the eye, the pupil should …
More than 50% of the brain is involved in the visual system. Therefore, many brain lesions will manifest as a vision, eye movement or alignment problem. Brainstem lesions Often result …
To become an Orthoptist in the UK, you will need to complete a degree in Orthoptics at one of the following: Glasgow Caledonian University University of Liverpool University of Sheffield …