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UoS: Why study Orthoptics here?

In this video, lecturers tell us all about studying Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield. They answer the following questions: Who are we? What made you interested in Orthoptics? What …

Career Prospects

Studying Orthoptics is interesting and challenging with excellent employment opportunities. “You need to think of your career as a skills escalator”. Garth tells us about career prospects and progression through …

What are BIOS and the EPDC?

Helen Davis OBE is a professor of Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield, previous chair of the British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS), and the chair of the Education and …

UoL: Why study Orthoptics here?

In this video, lecturers tell us why the University of Liverpool is a great place to study Orthoptics. ‘See also’ below their undergraduate, pre-registration MSc, and foundation year course websites …

International Orthoptic Association

In this video, Jigs tells us about her role as the British and Irish Orthoptics Society representative for the International Orthoptic Association (IOA). The IOA envisions itself as the global …

Clinical Director

Joe tells us about his impressive career pathway from an Orthoptist to the Clinical Director of Dentistry, Ophthalmology and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. “AHPs have a specific skill set which …

GCU: Why study Orthoptics here?

In this video, Nadia and Claudine tell us why Glasgow Caledonian University is a great place to study Orthoptics. ‘See also’ below their website to find more about entry requirements, …

UCL: Why study Orthoptics here?

In this video, UCL lecturers tell us why their pre-registration MSc course is great for studying Orthoptics. ‘See also’ below their website to find out more about entry requirements, course …

Testing Pupils

See how we test pupil reactions in a patients with no defect and with left Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD). When light is shone into the eye, the pupil should …

Brain Lesions

More than 50% of the brain is involved in the visual system. Therefore, many brain lesions will manifest as a vision, eye movement or alignment problem. Brainstem lesions Often result …

Routes into Orthoptics and Work Experience

To become an Orthoptist in the UK, you will need to complete a degree in Orthoptics at one of the following: Glasgow Caledonian University University of Liverpool University of Sheffield …