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Vertical Deviations

A vertical deviation is the upwards or downwards turn of an eye. Hyper = higher eye Hypo = lower eye A hyperphoria/hypophoria is a latent squint. This means the eyes …

Fourth Nerve Palsy

The fourth cranial nerve innovates the Superior Oblique (SO) Extraocular Muscle. The SO muscle depresses, intorts (incyclotorsion) and abducts. Therefore: The eyes would sit straight or with a vertical misalignment. …

Sixth Nerve Palsy

The Abducens nerve innovates the Lateral Rectus Extraocular muscle. This abducts the eye (moves out). If the sixth cranial nerve is damaged, it would result in a sixth nerve palsy. …

Clinical Tests

In this video, we show you some of the core Orthoptic Clinical Tests in action: Visual Acuity Tests Visual Acuity Tests with pinholes Cover-Uncover Test Alternating Cover Test Prism Cover …

History Taking

Just by taking the history of this patient, we have a good idea of what the diagnosis may be. They are complaining of constant horizontal, binocular diplopia which is worse …

Orthoptics Overview

An orthoptist specialises in diagnosing and managing a range of eye conditions that affect eye movement and visual development. Understanding the eye and the role of the brain in visual …

Third Nerve Palsy

The third cranial nerve innovates the following muscles: Medial rectus Superior Rectus Inferior Oblique Inferior Rectus Levator Palpebrae Superioris (lifts the eyelid) Sphincter pupillae (constricts the pupil) Ciliary muscles (focuses …

Exo deviations

An exo deviation is the outward turn of an eye. An exophoria is a latent squint. This means the eyes are straight without dissociation (covering of the eyes) and corneal …

Eso Deviations

An eso deviation is the inward turn of an eye. An esophoria is a latent squint. This means the eyes are straight without dissociation (covering of the eyes) and corneal …

Basic Eye Anatomy

In this video, Prema explains to us the basics of Eye Anatomy. We learn about the different layers and structures of the eye and see how they all come together …

Why are we making this course?

Why have all these experts and organisations come together to create this course? King’s College Hospital Optical Services is an innovative department with many passionate Orthoptists with impressive careers. We …

Ask the team: Why Orthoptics?

Hear from the team why Orthoptics is a brilliant Allied Health Profession. “The eyes are the exposed extension of the brain.”

Orthoptics Explained

There are a few eye-related professions, which can be confusing! In this video, we try to clear things up for you.

Ask the team: What is Orthoptics?

For this video, we asked the team the big question: What is Orthoptics? Orthoptics is a varied profession so the answer will be a little bit different to everyone. “Orthoptics …