Asbestos is a group of minerals that exist in nature as bundles of fibers that can be separated into thin, durable threads. The fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and …
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO). IARC continuously evaluates the carcinogenicity of chemicals, occupations, physical agents, biological …
Lung cancer, mesothelioma and bladder cancer are among the most common types of work-related cancers. Even sino-nasal cancer and leukemia can be caused by carcinogens found in the work environment. …
Cancer is an insidious group of diseases that pose a major threat to human health. These diseases can have many different causes, including different exposures at work. Many incidents of …
Prevention is the best tool for avoiding work-related lung diseases. The main goal must be to reduce or avoid any hazardous exposure. Minimize Exposure In the first place, exposure levels …
We have just shown you a film from a coffee factory where airborne dust was sampled from the workplace atmosphere by using the personal sampling method. Exposure information on all …
An obstructive lung disease is, as the name implies, characterized by obstruction of the airways. The lung volumes are usually normal, but the problem is that the airways are too …
Pneumoconiosis refers to a range of diseases that are caused by the inhalation and deposition of inorganic particles and mineral dust in the lungs. For some of the pneumoconioses, the …
Lung diseases is a large group of diseases that affect millions worldwide. It is well documented that smoke, dust, gas, and fumes can affect respiratory health, and that tobacco smoking …
Even though ILO’s list of occupational diseases is recognized internationally and is agreed upon by governments as well as employer’ and worker organizations, the laws and regulations concerning occupational diseases …
In this article, we will look at some common occupational risks and diseases, as well as the occupations that pose these threats. Miners Miners are at risk of developing silicosis. …
Two concepts with slightly different meanings are often used in connection with disorders associated with work; occupational diseases and work-related diseases. The most comprehensive of these concepts is work-related diseases, …
Many diseases develop at work places around the world due to factors and agents that are present at the work place. We call these “work-related diseases”. Impact of Work-Related Diseases …
Recognition, prevention and treatment of both occupational diseases and accidents, as well as the improvement of recording and notification systems, are high priorities for improving the health of both individuals …