Did you enjoy this week’s learning path? You have probably a lot to process…and many questions as well. You are most welcome to share your thoughts and doubts with your …
Norway has many dialects! And pronunciation varies according to the dialect. Here you can listen to the dialect from Bergen, the second city by importance and size after the capital …
As you have just seen in the video, digits and numbers from zero to twelve are specific words in Norwegian. From thirteen to nineteen, however, the numbers are formed combining …
How do you type Norwegian letters if you don’t have a Norwegian computer keyboard? Find out on this page! Do you know it all already? Then go straight to our …
These are question words that translate the English WHICH Hvilken is, in general, used to single out one object among many. These question words agree with the noun’s gender and …
Nouns usually have genders. But how can you know whether the sun is masculine or feminine in another language? And why bother at all? Have you thought about that? The …
In week 2, we went through the Norwegian Cardinal numbers. This week, we are taking a closer look at Ordinals. What are they? Unlike a Cardinal number which indicates quantity, …
Det er onsdag kveld. Mandag er første dag på skolen. Dina skal begynne i niende klasse på ungdomsskolen. Dina: Pappa, jeg må lære veien til skolen. Hvor ligger den? Pappa: …
Cecilie sender en pakke Cecilie sends a parcel Det er tiende august. Bens mor har fødselsdag snart, og Cecilie skal sende en gave til henne. Hun må ikke få den …
Bens morgen Ben’s morning Ben står opp klokka halv sju. Kvart på sju dusjer han. Han drikker kaffe og spiser frokost klokka sju. Ben wakes up at half past six …
Hos mormor og morfar At grandma’s and grandpa’s Alex og mamma kjører til mormor og morfar. Mamma stopper foran huset. Alex and mom drive to grandma and grandpa. Mom stops …