We would like to thank the experts who have contributed to our course: • Rosa Salzberg, University of Warwick (UK) and European University Institute (Florence, Italy) • Jeremie Molho, European …
Congratulations for completing this course! We hope it has provided you with a deeper understanding of the symbiotic relationship between migration and cities. Moreover, we hope that by examining this …
Interview with Vivian Gerrand (European University Institute, Florence, Italy) We asked Vivian the following questions: 1) To what extent do diasporas change our understanding of European cities? 2) In what …
Migrants both experience and contribute to the transformation of contemporary cities and their economies. But they also play a fundamental role in the interconnections that increasingly exist between cities. These …
The museum is not the only place where migration histories are represented. Other than in museums, the historic role of migration is encountered on an everyday basis in the city. …
One way in which migration has been incorporated into a city’s heritage industry has been through its representation in museums. In most cases this interest in migration is a very …
Nick Dines discusses the relationship between migration and cultural heritage and two key approaches for understanding this in the context of the city.
Interview with Niene Oepkes, Policy Advisor, City of Utrecht (Netherlands) We asked Niene the following question: Can you describe a concrete example of an emergency situation where the city had …
Interview with Jan Braat, Policy Advisor, City of Utrecht (Netherlands) We asked Jan the following two questions: What is meant by a sanctuary city? Would you consider Utrecht a sanctuary …
The integration of migrants in a host society is a multi-faceted phenomenon. It can be operationalised in three dimensions: socio-economic integration, which largely coincides with labour market insertion, legal-political integration, …
Interview with Marco Martiniello, University of Liege (Belgium) We asked Marco the following three questions: What have been the main priorities of migration policies in European cities in recent decades? …
Hi everyone! Congratulations! You have made it to the end of this week’s programme! In week 2 we have introduced you to a number of key issues and debates about …
The new democratic South Africa, which emerged after the end of the apartheid regime in the early 1990s, set out to rebuild national identity around the idea of the Rainbow …
Interview with Jacqui Broadhead, COMPAS, Oxford University (UK) We asked Jacqui the following three questions: What does ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ (NRPF) mean in the UK immigration and social …
The question of migration in cities is commonly associated with a set of problematic issues and potential conflicts. Some of these issues are strains on services, housing segregation and public …