Now we can set out the project we’re going to pursue for the rest of this course. We’re going to look at the logic of some key expressions which play …
Let’s look more closely at this use of a truth-table to define a connective. Here’s the truth-table for ampersand again: Figure 1. The defining truth-table for ampersand Let’s highlight some …
Here is an argument for the view that arrow and ‘if … then … ’ have the same truth-table. This argument uses some of the key resources we’ve developed in …
There’s a way around the problem we just noted. There’s a neat device which will allow us to capture the definition of the meaning and logical powers of ‘&’ without …
The first connective we’ll define for our logical language is ‘&’ — called ampersand. We’ll stipulate (fix by definition) that ‘&’ is what’s called a two-place sentence connective. That is, …
Here’s the strategy we’ll use to address the problem posed by the ‘wildness’ of natural languages: we’ll create a new language, a formal language, in which the meanings of the …
You’ve come a long way in a short time in terms of exploring formal logic and its application to clarifying and evaluating arguments expressed in natural language. Let’s look at …
We’ve seen that there are promising parallels between the behaviour of arrow and ‘If…then…’. But how closely are they related? It would certainly be helpful and convenient if they had …
‘If … then … ’ sentences in English (and related sentences in other languages) are called conditionals. As we’ve noted already, arrow sentences are classed as conditionals. There do seem …
Last week, we saw that logic is the systematic study of good reasoning, where ‘good’ is understood in a particular way—in terms of there being a positive relationship between the …
Take another look at one of our example arguments. Mattie is tidying or Mattie is gaming online Mattie is not tidying So, Mattie is gaming online The conclusion is (expressed …
Here is the truth-table which defines the meaning of our connective ampersand (‘&’): Figure 1. The defining truth-table for ampersand Let’s look more closely at this definition and how it …
We’re going to look now at a further sharpening of focus for our project. One that will bring us closer to giving a systematic account of good reasoning. Take a …
A further reason to look closely at validity picks up from the first reason: focusing on valid arguments will be particularly helpful in sorting out what to believe. This is …
As you’ll have noticed from the arguments which figured in the last step, not every argument which is not valid is a terrible argument. In fact, in each of the …