As we have learned, when two third tones are placed next to each other, the first one is pronounced as the second tone. The third tone however also changes when …
Tones are relatively difficult for many learners because there are 4 tones and neutral tone in Chinese. Moreover, tones may be influenced by other tones. For example, we say “níhǎo” …
Chinese kinship terms are comparatively complicated. In China, it’s very impolite to call the elders’ names. Let’s have a look at how to address some relatives.Audio yéye — grandfather nǎinai …
The pronunciation of finals will have different changes when they are combined with “er” after them. You can remember how to pronounce a certain word when you learn it ignoring …
“er” is a special final in Chinese Pinyin. When pronouncing it, make “e” sound and then roll your tongue. As a final, “er” can only be a syllable itself, meaning …
How to express thanks and apology in Chinese? Audio To express your thanks, you could say “Xièxie” (Thank you). To reply we say “Bú kèqi” (You are welcome.) When you …
“shénme” means “what”. You can ask “Nǐ hē shénme?”(What do you drink?)”Nǐ chī shénme”(What do you eat?)Audio Now let’s practice more words by answering the questions. Wǒ hē kāfēi.— I …
After learning compound finals starting with i and u, let’s have a look at the last compound finals starting with ü. Compound finals starting with ü are üe üɑn ün. …
We’ve learned that “zhè” means “this” and “shì” means “to be”. If you want to introduce “this is”, you say “zhè shì……。” Let’s practice some more words by saying “zhè …
Compared to zh, ch, sh, the sound z, c, s are pronounced slightly further forward in your mouth These require coordination between the tongue tip and the inside of the …
We now only have seven initials left to learn. To pronounce zh, ch, sh, r, you should use the raised tongue tip and the front part of the hard palate …
Thank you for following us here. We’ve already finished the first of three weeks of our Pronunciation and Tone course. Now you know how and where we use Chinese Pinyin, …
We learned how to say “love”—“ài”. Now let’s put somebody or something after to practice more words and express your love. Please listen and repeat:audio Wǒ ài nǐ。— I love …