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Culture Notes: Shared bicycle

In recent years, lots of bikes are colored yellow, blue and green. They can be seen everywhere on China’s streets, often near subway stations, bus stations and by the roadside. …

Introducing the Expression of dates

In this video, we learn how to give dates. • 年(nián) year We use “a number+年” to express “the year” ,for example: 2019年èr líng yī jiǔ nián 2020年èr ling èr …

Introducing the Expressions of Time

Welcome to start Chinese grammar course with us. In this video, we learn how to express time. First, let’s get to know to count numbers in Chinese: 1 一 yī;2 …

Culture Notes: Spring Festival couplets

If you are in China, you will see many spring festival couplets on Chinese people’s doors. During the Spring Festival, almost every Chinese family posts Spring Festival couplets on their …

Introducing “把” sentences

In this video we learn one of the usage of “把字句Ba-sentence”—changes in object position. “把字句Ba-sentence”is a special sentence structure in Chinese. Look at the sentence:Mother puts the vase on the …

Culture Notes: Shared bicycle

In recent years, lots of bikes are colored yellow, blue and green. They can be seen everywhere on China’s streets, often near subway stations, bus stations and by the roadside. …

Introducing simple directional complements

In this video we learn 简单趋向补语“来” 和“去” jiǎndān qūxiàng bǔyǔ “lái” hé “qù”(the simple directional complement “来” and“去” ). The structure is: verb +来 or verb +去 Here the complement …

Culture Notes:Beijing Opera

Beijing opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It’s very popular. Taking shape in Beijing, it has a history of about 200 years. During the …

Introducing the time-measure complement

In this video we learn the time-measure complement, “Shíliàng bǔyǔ”. If we want to indicate the duration of an action or state,we can use the time-measure complement. For example: Wang …

Culture Notes: Chinese paper cutting

Paper cutting, is cutting paper using scissors or knifes. Using scissors or knifes to make paper into different patterns and shapes. Paper cutting is one of the most popular Chinese …

Introducing Resultative Complements

In this video we learn “结果补语(jiéguǒ bǔyǔ)resultative complements”, expressing the results of actions. Resultative complements use either a verb or an adjective, the complement that follows the verb indicates the …