In this video we learn the basic sentence structure “表目的的连动句biǎo mùdì de lián dòng jù” ,this kind of sentence has two verbs or verbal phrases. The first verb or verbal …
One of the special features of Chinese universities is that student dormitories are usually integrated into the university campus. Unlike most Western universities where dormitories usually do not provide housing …
In this video we learn to use sentences with “有yǒu” to show existence. Put simply, it expresses “something is present in a specific location”。 This kind of sentence is similar …
In this video we discuss the usage of adverbs “就jiù” and “才cái”. “就jiù” usually indicates something is done early or quickly, while “才cái” usually indicates something is done late or …
Thank you for following us here. You have already finished your third week of the grammar course. Congratulations! In this week,you have learned a lot,such as How to compare the …
In this video we learn “结果补语(jiéguǒ bǔyǔ)resultative complements”, expressing the results of actions. Resultative complements use either a verb or an adjective, the complement that follows the verb indicates the …
Paper cutting, is cutting paper using scissors or knifes. Using scissors or knifes to make paper into different patterns and shapes. Paper cutting is one of the most popular Chinese …
In this video we learn the time-measure complement, “Shíliàng bǔyǔ”. If we want to indicate the duration of an action or state,we can use the time-measure complement. For example: Wang …
Beijing opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It’s very popular. Taking shape in Beijing, it has a history of about 200 years. During the …
In this video we learn 简单趋向补语“来” 和“去” jiǎndān qūxiàng bǔyǔ “lái” hé “qù”(the simple directional complement “来” and“去” ). The structure is: verb +来 or verb +去 Here the complement …
In this video we learn one of the usage of “把字句Ba-sentence”—changes in object position. “把字句Ba-sentence”is a special sentence structure in Chinese. Look at the sentence:Mother puts the vase on the …
If you are in China, you will see many spring festival couplets on Chinese people’s doors. During the Spring Festival, almost every Chinese family posts Spring Festival couplets on their …
We have been studying Chinese grammar together for four weeks. Thank you for sticking with us throughout the course. During these four weeks, we learned a lot. We learned some …
In this video we learn a basic sentence structure“sentences with an adjectival predicate”. In Chinese it is called “形容词谓语句xíngróngcí wèiyǔ jù”. This kind of sentence does not need a verb, …