姓(xìng) means family name. The left part 女(nǚ) means female. The right part 生(shēng) means to give birth to. 姓(xìng) originally is used by the children who have the same …
The video focuses on self-introduction. In Chinese, we use the following question to ask someone’s full name. audio 你叫什么名字? (Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?) What’s your name? If you want to …
In daily life, acquaintances usually greet each other in informal way. Here are two examples: audio – 你吃了吗(Nǐ chī le ma)? (Have you eaten yet?) — When it is around …
Welcome to start Chinese Conversation course with us. In this course, we will teach you how to interact with others using basic Chinese. Let’s start with how to greet each …
Hello everyone, welcome to the Introduction to Chinese: Conversation course! This course is designed for the learners who have the basic knowledge of Chinese pronunciation and try to use the …