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How to order the food and drinks

When we talk about the food and drinks, the measure words are often used. In Chinese, we always use a measure word for a noun with a number. Here are …

Words for some other food and drinks

Food: audio 披萨(pīsà) pizza   沙拉(shālā) salad   汉堡包(hànbǎobāo) hamburger  薯条(shǔtiáo) potato chips 面包(miànbāo) bread   蛋糕(dàngāo) cake 鸡肉(jīròu) chicken   鱼肉(yúròu) fish 猪肉(zhūròu) pork  牛排(niúpái) steak Drinks: audio 水(shuǐ) …

二(èr) VS 两(liǎng)

When we count the numbers, we usually say 一(yī)、二(èr)、三(sān)…… But when 二(èr)(two)is put before the measure words, it should be changed into 两(liǎng)(which also means two) audio such as 两(liǎng)杯(bēi)啤酒(píjiǔ)(two …

Chinese characters

家(jiā, family;home):This character is composed of two parts: the radical “roof” and the traditional character “pig. “ 有(yǒu, to have;there be):This character is composed of two parts: the top part …

Words for hobbies

Hobbies: audio 看(kàn)电影(diànyǐng)(watching movie) 看(kàn)书(shū)(reading) 听(tīng)音乐(yīnyuè)(listening to music) 打(dǎ)篮球(lánqiú)(playing basketball) 打(dǎ)网球(wǎngqiú)(playing tennis) 踢(tī)足球(zúqiú)(playing football) 爬(pá)山(shān)(climbing) 游泳(yóuyǒng)(swimming) 旅行(lǚxíng)(travelling) What’s your hobby? Share it with us.我(Wǒ)喜欢(xǐhuan)……

Words for occupations

职业(zhíyè)(occupation): audio 司机(sījī) (driver) 会计(kuàijì) (accountant) 工程师(gōngchéngshī)(engineer) 设计师(shèjìshī)(designer) 服务员(fúwùyuán)(waiter/waitress) 空姐(kōngjiě)(flight attendant, for female) 飞行员(fēixíngyuán)(pilot) What’s your occupation? Share it with us. 我(Wǒ)是(shì)……

How to ask someone’s job

This video closely relates to the previous one. After we know others’ family members, we often ask about their occupations. First let’s take a look at how to introduce family …

Culture-四世同堂 (sì shì tóng táng)

四世同堂 (sì shì tóng táng) This expression describes four generations under one roof, including parents, sons and daughters-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. audio Members in the traditional family live in harmony …

How to introduce family members

Family is a classic topic in China. This video is about family members and relationships. If you want to know how many family members there are in someone’s family, you …

Chinese characters

The English language relies on an alphabetic language system, meaning that it uses letters to represent sounds. Unlike English, the Chinese writing system is logographic, meaning each character represents a …

Names of some other countries

Click to listen to the audio 德国(Déguó) Germany 西班牙(Xībānyá) Spain 澳大利亚(Àodàlìyà)Australia 巴西(Bāxī) Brazil 墨西哥(Mòxīgē) Mexico 泰国(Tàiguó) Thailand 越南(Yuènán) Vietnam

How to ask someone’s nationality

Speaking about citizenship is part of self-introduction. First, let’s take a look at the following words about countries and citizenship. audio “你是哪国人?(Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?)” is used for asking …