When we talk about the food and drinks, the measure words are often used. In Chinese, we always use a measure word for a noun with a number. Here are …
When we count the numbers, we usually say 一(yī)、二(èr)、三(sān)…… But when 二(èr)(two)is put before the measure words, it should be changed into 两(liǎng)(which also means two) audio such as 两(liǎng)杯(bēi)啤酒(píjiǔ)(two …
This video relates to asking others what they would like to eat or drink. The modal verb “想(xiǎng)” means “want to or would like to”, so “想(xiǎng)” is used in …
家(jiā, family;home):This character is composed of two parts: the radical “roof” and the traditional character “pig. “ 有(yǒu, to have;there be):This character is composed of two parts: the top part …
This video closely relates to the previous one. After we know others’ family members, we often ask about their occupations. First let’s take a look at how to introduce family …
四世同堂 (sì shì tóng táng) This expression describes four generations under one roof, including parents, sons and daughters-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. audio Members in the traditional family live in harmony …
Family is a classic topic in China. This video is about family members and relationships. If you want to know how many family members there are in someone’s family, you …
The English language relies on an alphabetic language system, meaning that it uses letters to represent sounds. Unlike English, the Chinese writing system is logographic, meaning each character represents a …
Click to listen to the audio 德国(Déguó) Germany 西班牙(Xībānyá) Spain 澳大利亚(Àodàlìyà)Australia 巴西(Bāxī) Brazil 墨西哥(Mòxīgē) Mexico 泰国(Tàiguó) Thailand 越南(Yuènán) Vietnam
Speaking about citizenship is part of self-introduction. First, let’s take a look at the following words about countries and citizenship. audio “你是哪国人?(Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?)” is used for asking …