雨(yǔ, rain):The horizontal line of this character indicates the sky. The dots represent the rain drops. 气(qì, air):It refers to the air, so 天气(tiānqì) means “weather”. 冷(lěnɡ, cold):The left two …
We will tell you a secret about how Chinese cure their cold. audio That is “to drink more water or 姜(jiāng)汤(tāng), then go to bed, get your cover and have …
At the beginning of this video, the instructor Lydia doesn’t look very well and then, her partner, Amy, asks her a question. audio 你怎么了? (nǐ zěnmele?) What’s the matter with …
China has four seasons in a year. These four seasons are audio 春天(chūntiān) spring 夏天(xiàtiān) summer 秋天(qiūtiān) fall, autumn 冬天(dōngtiān) winter If you would like to know which season your …
This video concentrates on the weather and temperature. audio The most common way to inquire about today’s weather is by using “怎么样(zěnmeyàng)” as below. 今天天气怎么样? (Jīntiān tiānqì zěnmeyàng?) How is …
天(tiān, sky;day):This character originally means the top of one’s head. It is used to refer to the sky or heaven that is above one’s head. Now, it also means “day”. …
The expression of the time audio 1小时(yìxiǎoshí)(1 hour)=60分钟(liùshí fēnzhōng)(60 min) 7:55 we can say 七点(qīdiǎn)五十五分(wǔshíwǔfēn) or 差(chà)五分(wǔfēn)八点(bādiǎn)(5 minutes to eight o’clock) 7:45 we can say 七点(qīdiǎn)四十五分(sìshíwǔfēn) or 差(chà)一刻(yíkè)八点(bādiǎn)(a quarter to …
The most common way for asking the time “现在几点?(Xiànzài jǐdiǎn?)” is introduced at the beginning of the video and then, simple daily time expressions and the rule of expressing the …
Four important concepts are introduced right after the conversation of our two teachers. audio 年(nián) year In Chinese, we say each digit and put 年(nián) at the end. 2019年 二零一九年 …
想(xiǎng, would like to; to think):The top part of this character is 相(xiāng, each other), which gives a clue to the pronunciation, but the tone is different. The bottom part …
This video provides many examples of situational usages to explain how to ask the price and make a payment in Chinese. In Chinese, we use the following pattern to ask …
audio Mobile phone is not only a social tool to contact with others, but also a useful tool for lazy or busy people. Many young people don’t want to go …