How important is word order in a Frisian sentence? The answer is very important, as explained in the video above and words below. Word order In Frisian, the position of …
Watch the video about the future tense with sille and read the explanation below. Future tense with sille The verb sille (shall) can be used to express an intention or …
Like many other languages, Frisian also has modal verbs. Find out what these are and how they are used in a sentence by watching the video above and reading the …
Watch the video about comparatives and superlatives and read the explanation below. Comparatives and superlatives Adjectives are used to construct the regular form of the comparative and superlative. Construction of …
Frisian grammar is a practical tool for structuring the ideas and thoughts you want to express. Grammar is not a goal in itself, but it can be a great help. …
Learning a new language is associated with getting to know a new culture. When learning Frisian, there are a few aspects of Frisian culture that might be interesting for you, …
Learning a language means learning vocabulary. This is not always easy, but we will help you! Below you will find the transcripts of Frisian dialogues with the English translation. Read …
Introduction to Frisian culture Learning a new language involves learning about a new culture. In this closing section, each week we will highlight a few aspects of the Frisian culture, …
Below you will find the transcripts of the dialogues you heard, with the English translation. Read the text and the translation. Many people participate in this course, but not …
Introduction to Frisian culture Learning the Frisian language involves getting to know the Frisian culture. Every week in this closing section, we will highlight a few aspects of Frisian language …
Learning a language means learning vocabulary. This is not always easy, but we will help you! Below you will find the transcripts of the dialogues you heard, with the English …
In this activity you will practise your speaking skills (stress and intonation, pronunciation, fluency). Watch the video, listen carefully and repeat what you hear. Please feel free to practise as …