Class exercise To reiterate: the evidence shows that people are far less likely to make the conjunction error when probed with the “how many” question than the corresponding “how probable” …
By now you will have probably realised that the representativeness bias has also been held responsible for the conjunction fallacy – remember Shelia our bank teller? According to some theorists, …
Basic introductory remarks Our intention this week is to collect some data on three versions of the Wason Card Selection task. There is probably little point in having you attempt …
In the video, Rob provides introductory remarks about this classic reasoning problem. Alert The solution is to the problem is provided next, but don’t progress until you have given yourself …
Solutions Question 1 Question 1 is a variant on what has come to be known as the Linda-the-bank-teller problem. To disguise this somewhat (because the actual problem is now quite …
Now is time to get more of a feeling for other sorts of thinking puzzles that cognitive psychologists have focused on in attempting to uncover how humans reason. The primary …
Up until now, we have been purely focused on logical reasoning and drawing valid conclusions from claims and evidence. As you might have gathered however, there is far more to …
Ok, let’s get to grips with thinking and consider our ability to reason in a rational way. Class Exercise We will begin by considering how people combine different bits of …
Valid vs. invalid arguments What the rules of logic do is set out what defines a valid vs. an invalid argument. But we need to tread very carefully here. Consider …
Reasoning logically What we are doing is exploring how readily people appreciate logical arguments and, hopefully, you will have been able to figure out that the fact that ‘I got …
This is our first class experiment The experiment provides first-hand experience of collecting data in a classic short-term verbal memory task. The study involves testing memory for lists of six …
Here Rob describes in very general terms the experiment we have planned for this week. More details follow in the next step. Next we provide detailed instructions about how to …