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Diagnosis: a professional’s perspective

In this step, we will hear from Sheila, Tracey, Suresh, Maria Regina, Roxanne, Gornmigar and Francis, healthcare professionals from across the world, who will share their experience and reflect upon …

Diagnosis: a parent’s experience

In this step, listen to parents of children with developmental disabilities, as they discuss their experience of assessment and diagnosis. Tatiane, Caroline, Lamiya, Brenda, Galida and Lambert provide examples from …

Developmental disability: diagnosis and assessment

A developmental disability is associated with disruption of a child’s development. Early identification and early intervention can help give a child the opportunity to maximise their developmental potential and quality …

Summary of Week 2

We have now reached the end of Week 2. Throughout this week we have explored the healthcare needs of children with developmental disabilities. We hope that you now have a …

Case studies: communication

To further our understanding of effective communication, we would like you to discuss the following scenarios with our case study characters (Justin, Thandi, Mai, Lucas). Case study 1. Justin: Justin …

Case studies: common developmental disabilities

To enhance our understanding of developmental disabilities, we will look at four fictional case studies, in which we meet four children with common conditions. These case studies will help us …

Causes of developmental disability

In this step, Nathaniel Scherer describes the causes of developmental disability, including environmental and genetic factors. Nathaniel begins the presentation by discussing the global prevalence of developmental disability, a difficult …

Developmental conditions

In the previous step, we discussed the interaction between a child’s condition, impairment and disability. Before we think about disability in more depth, we are going to improve our understanding …

What are developmental disabilities?

In this step, Dr. Tracey Smythe will define developmental disability and consider three components that make up the term. Dr. Smythe will end the presentation by discussing how developmental disabilities …

Learning with us

If this is your first course with us, please read ‘Using FutureLearn’ for an introduction to learning with FutureLearn. We’re delighted that you’ve joined the course and wish you a …

Why Is Child Development Important?

The period of early childhood development is arguably the most important period of life. In order to reach their full potential, children need appropriate support from families, education and healthcare …

Overview of child development

Following on from the animated video in the previous step, Professor Hannah Kuper (Lead Educator) will give an overview of child development and different developmental domains, as well as factors …