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The patient’s carbon footprint journey

In this video we will join Steve, a retired builder, and follow him on his patient journey from referral to diagnosis and treatment decision. The storyboard for this video was …

Inhaler case study

Metered dosed inhalers and anaesthetic gases account for 5% of the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) healthcare’s carbon footprint. In this section we will look at 2 cases studies led by pharmacists. …

Advocates for our future

In this video Shweta Narayan will discuss the role of healthcare professionals as advocates to protect our future. Shweta is a Global Climate and Health Campaigner with Health Care Without …

The patient’s operative carbon footprint

In this video will re-join Steve and follow him through the next stage of this journey, his operation and post-operative follow-up. Have a think about what could be down to …

How to apply behavioural change techniques: COM-B

Here is a summary of the COM-B applied to behaviour change of greener inhaler use, by Szymon Urbanski Clinician Capability Clinician has limited interest in environmental concerns Clinician believes that …

How to change behaviour: An introduction

In this section you will hear from National Health Service (NHS) England behavioural change scientists. They will explain to you some of the techniques used to change behaviour in the …

How to write a business case

Evie is a Junior Doctor working in London with a longstanding interest in Sustainability. Initially she became involved in sustainability in healthcare with the group ‘Green at Barts Health’ and …

Summary of week 1

In week 1, we have looked at climate change and our planet, our nations and us. We have learnt some important definitions and seen through the work of the Lancet …

The story so far

In this video Professor Andy Haines will give a brief overview of some of the topics we have covered in week one. This summary is part of a longer lecture …

Meet your tutors

Here are your tutors who will guide you through your learning. We will take a mentoring role and will be engaging with your discussions both in article and discussion steps. …

In the news: fires and flooding

Forest fires are becoming more widespread, burning nearly twice as much tree cover today as they did 20 years ago. 2021 was one of the worst years for forest fires …

A curriculum for the future

In this video we will hear from Dr San-Yu-May. She has written an undergraduate curriculum, EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE HEALTHCARE: A curriculum for the UK ‘Professionalism, leadership and achieving structural change’ …