Several factors stand in the way of shale development in China. Here is a list of factors that represent some of the fundamental challenges to the Development of China’s shale …
Let’s look at the unconventional oil and gas production potentials of countries other than the US. The United States has access to significant shale resources. In the Annual Energy Outlook …
[US shale gas production] [US shale oil production] Natural gas production from shale gas and tight oil plays now makes up about half of the US total dry natural gas …
Peak-oil theorists have argued that the half of world’s oil supply would be “easy oil,” while the other half would be “tough.” Do you agree that we are approaching the …
Between the mid-1960s and the mid-2000s, proved natural gas reserves in the United States fell by one-third, the result of restrictions on drilling and other supply constraints. Starting in the …
The peak-oil theory holds that once the world’s oil supply has hit its maximum output, it would eventually decline. Do you think we have reached maximum worldwide output, or peak-oil? …
Why is the price of oil falling? There are demand-side and supply-side explanations for current low oil prices. Besides supply and demand, the financial market development is also behind the …
Oil prices can have a huge impact on the global economy. In the decade of 2000s, high oil prices were derived as a whole particularly because new oil supplies could …
Whatever the exact figure, Asia’s energy demand will rise faster than any other region – driven in large part by China, and to a lesser extent by India. Asia’s population …
The International Energy Agency (IEA), in its 2012 forecast, helped bring shale oil production to global attention by stating that the US would be a net oil exporter by 2030. …
The changes in global energy consumption have reshaped the underlying context for energy geopolitics. Emerging importance of natural gas Countries throughout the region are seeking to expand the use of …
The profound shift in Asia’s energy consumption patterns has triggered huge changes in global energy flows and the geopolitics surrounding energy. The fulcrum of world oil trade has shifted decisively …
Two thirds of new oil demand will come from Asia by 2035. China and India following Japan and Korea are leading massive energy consumption in the region. Southeast Asian countries …
Emerging economies of Asia face an energy dilemma. Demand is soaring but so are the region’s greenhouse gas emissions. The energy-poor emerging economies pose both a threat and an opportunity …