This week, we’ll explore different ways of measuring progress in society. We learnt last week that only measuring the material and the economic simply is not good enough. GDP was …
With these new approaches to business, the important thing to take away from it is to not only see these businesses as individual pioneers trying a new approach. They are …
Now we move on to other ideas of what business can and should be. In this video, Arthur Kay and Richard Ballard explain the vision behind Fast Forward 2030, a …
In this video, Achim Steiner reasons that pushback against change from conservative businesses is in many ways a rational reflex to protect billions of dollars in investment, and a long-term …
Jonathon argues that, far from thinking we are powerless to change things, if we have even a little imagination we can think of new ways of doing things that can …
Tim Jackson argues that we are locked into consumerism by a complex of social, psychological and economic forces – can you identify how these operate in your life or the …
In this video, Jonathon Porritt explains how the market can be “framed” to make it more responsive to social and economic value. He gives two recent examples from the UK …
The main building blocks of any economy is enterprise. A key part of moving towards a more sustainable, long-term vision of economic activity is over-coming the short-term pressures business has …
In the fourth and final week of this course, we’ll be talking about how we can build a new economy together. An economy that tackles the challenges of the 21st …
In this video, Kate Raworth describes how The Doughnut is a compass for success in the 21st Century. It sets out how our target should be to meet the basic …
The year 2050 will be a big year for the global community. By then, the population is set to explode to just under 10 billion people. That is approximately a …
In this video, Michael Green from the Social Progress Imperative explains a tool they developed to help people keep track of their country’s progress towards the SDGs. It’s called the …
Achim Steiner is currently the Executive Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Before that, he was Director of the Oxford Martin school, a research organisation based at Oxford …